Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Case Study
ASSIGNMENT NO.1 Subject: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Topic: Business Ethics scenario Case Study Date: 7th March 2011 Submitted by: Miss. Janhavi R Joshi Submitted to: Professor Mrs. Monica Khanna 1. Receiving a Holiday Gift: A supplier sends a basket of expensive foodstuffs to your home at Christmas with a card: We hope you and your family enjoy the goodies.. What action(s) might you want to take? Answer: Ethical dilemma: There are two reasons for such generosity from the Supplier. One could be that there is a long standing relationship with the supplier, and therefore the supplier is genuinely sending these gifts with no other intention than Christmas greetings. But the second reason and the most likely one is that†¦show more content†¦This is ethical means to still show some benefit to the client and not yielding to the un- reasonable demands. If the purchasing manager is till adamant about pursuing the previous offer there is no point in going ahead with this client. 4. References: A large, prospective client calls you and asks about a competitors reputation. One of your long time customers had a very bad experience with this competitor. What information do you share with the prospect? How do you respond to the prospect call? Answer: Ethical dilemma: The purpose of the client in asking this question is not clear. He may want to judge my company/values on basis of my response to this question. Most probably the prospective client is already aware of the reputation of that competitor. Bad mouthing a competitor is not ethical and also putting the competitor down and hence trying to enhance ones companies image is as well not the right thing to do. Divulging information that my existing- long- time client has shared with me, to an outsider (the person is only a prospective client) would not be fair. But the catch here is that if I say all/only pleasant things about my competitor the prospective client may have doubts about doing business with myShow MoreRelatedCase Studies of Business Ethics Corporate Governance3354 Words  | 14 PagesAn Assignment of Business Ethics amp; Corporate Governance CASE STUDIES Module I BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY December 3, 2009, marked the 25th anniversary of the worlds worst ever industrial disaster - the gas leak that occurred at Union Carbide India Ltds (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh, India). The tragedy that instantly killed more than 3,000 people and left thousands injured and affected for life, occurred when water entered Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) storage tank No. 610Read MoreWhat Must Be Done to Improve Ethics in Finance and Corporate Governance?1211 Words  | 5 PagesU10A2- Essay Louise Pettiford What must be done to improve ethics in finance and corporate governance? 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Things You Should Know About College Essay Samples Columbia
Things You Should Know About College Essay Samples Columbia What You Don't Know About College Essay Samples Columbia Be certain you realize the assignment properly. It's very beneficial to take writing apart so as to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. The title of the assignment will normally let you know what you have to write about. The classes are scheduled at a time convenient for the entire class, and you don't have to awaken early if you don't own a morning class. There are a lot of unique topics it's possible to pursue for your Why Columbia essay. Make certain you do not venture away from your principal topic, because it will take away from the total interest of your essay. A coherent essay will not provide you a tough time understanding what you're reading. The college essays must be organized in the particular format and design based on the instructions given. Engaging A great essay is engaging. Writing is a complicated skill for every single student. College Essay Samples Columbia - the Conspiracy This essay is likely to end up being 300 to 600 words, so in the event that you pick solid examples and make certain you're very clear in your explanations of things, it won't tricky to reach. You might need to tell a story why you became fascinated with a specific field. The author starts with a rather in depth story of an event or description of an individual or place. Even though he is a very gifted academic, he shows that he's not above flipping burgers. Most admissions officers, or hiring representatives just have a couple of minutes to read each essay, which means you wish to grab their attention immediately in your introduction paragraph. Most colleges ask a fairly generic question for which they want to observe a fairly focused answer. Along with essay responses, Columbia requests numerous lists. Using College Essay Samples C olumbia Columbia offers a real education, not simply scholastically from its esteemed faculty, but in addition culturally from the worldwide powerhouse that's New York City. For instance, it is in New York City and has relationships with a lot of businesses and organizations in the area. From your research, you ought to have produce specific explanations for why Columbia is a fantastic school for you. Don't forget to include why the program at Columbia is the ideal place to help you reach your objectives. The school you've been dreaming of for your entire life is only an essay away. On the other, it's a manner of life. The huge pothole on Elm Street that my mother was able to hit each and every day on the best way to school would be filled-in. Irrespective of how much you'll be taking that day, there are a few ways that can help you get through the essay with a very low quantity of stress. The individuals wish to know YOU. Not just students are intimate to the writing skills plenty of individuals are also eager to compose a great article. Like every profession, the best are those who invest in themselves and are continuously learning. This is, clearly, the most important feature of the prompt. The Unexpected Truth About College Essay Samples Columbia The greater part of schools have that. You wish to tell if you are able to cope with studies or if you may fit in the curriculum. Arguably the toughest portion of the US college application procedure is the admissions essay, or personal statement. The primary aim of going to either of the institutions is to find an education, and there's an elaborate syllabus to be followed. The Basics of College Essay Samples Columbia Online financial aid resources can offer you with scholarship essay examples that can enable you to write an extremely appealing essay. Paper Writing Services There is a significant great number of paper writing services sprouting on the web. When you're writing this form of essay, you should make sure to use correct grammar. By utilizing various compare and contrast essay examples, you can secure a better idea about what format you need to compose your essay. Then you need to develop a thesis. Reviewing some narrative essay examples will be able to help you to organize your information and help you decide how to compose each paragraph to acquire the best outcomes.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Some Major Of Informatics of Environmental †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About the Some Major of Informatics of Environmental? Answer: Introduction This paper reflects on informatics and its utilization within an organization named Woolworths. Informatics is defined as the art and science of information that mainly engages in studying the behavior, structure as interactions of various natural as well as computational systems (Masters 2015).It mainly helps in saturating both personal as well as professional lives of an individual. The assignment mainly discusses the importance of informatics and some of the major types that include business informatics, media informatics, social informatics, health informatics, environmental informatics as well as legal informatics. The paper elaborates several classic themes of informatics in context to various technologies within Woolworths. This assignment also illustrates awareness about the process that is utilized for fitting the technologies within the goals. Informatics Informatics refers to the application as well as study of information technology in context to science, professions as well as arts for utilizing it in various organizations as well as society. Informatics is one of the developing fields in organization like Woolworths. Informatics generally utilize computing in order to solve various types of challenges, which are associated with privacy as well as security of Woolworths.(Nelson and Staggers 2017). It is analyzed that all the applications that are associated with informatics are generally computer based and as a result, the applications are quite helpful in enhancing various types of techniques as well as tools from various fields that include multimedia as well as interaction design within the organization Woolworths. Informatics is quite different from both computer engineering as well as computer science as it strongly focuses on the human utilization of computing for managing data processing as well as data retrieval. Some major types of informatics Business Informatics Business Informatics is defined as a discipline that is combined with the concepts of informatics, information technology as well as management. Woolworths utilizes business informatics, which is very much similar to information system for various significant implementation as well as construction-oriented elements. (Fritz et al. 2014). It is analyzed that the focus of Woolworths is to utilize business informatics on the development of solutions that are related with business problems rather depending on the ex-post investigation. It assists in integrating various core elements that include information system, computer science as well as business administration of Woolworths. Media Informatics Media informatics in Woolworths generally deals with the processes that are utilized by humans for seeking, using, sharing, manipulating, storing, retrieving various significant digital multimedia (Keating 2014). Media informatics helps in educating talented as well as capable individuals for achieving high level of proper significant knowledge in various fields that are associated with development of technological innovations in context to Woolworths. The media informatics also assists in encouraging a proper comprehensive knowledge about various types of issues that are presented in multifaceted dimensions and assists in nurturing various abilities for resolving the issues that are associated with Woolworths. Social Informatics Woolworths uses Social informatics as a approach that utilizes both information as well as communication tool in either cultural or institutional contexts. It generally helps in referring to the body of research that helps in examining the aspect of social computerization, which comprises of various roles of information technologies in Woolworths (Duschek et al. 2013). Social informatics generally helps in referring to an interdisciplinary study that helps in elaborating the design, uses as well as various consequences of information technology that generally takes into account with the help of various cultural as well as institutional contexts within the company Woolworths. Health Informatics Woolworths wants to utilize Health informatics just like other informatics in order to deal with various types of problems that the organization is facing in the absence of healthcare section. The organization wants to apply the technology to various areas that include public health, pharmacy as well as dentistry in the coming future (Magnuson and Fu 2014). It is analyzed that health informatics is considered as one of the rapidly growing areas in various fields that are associated with health care sector and therefore adoption of health informatics within Woolworths will be advantageous. Health informatics mainly assists in getting proper information in one of the easiest way. This is because the concept mainly comprises of technology utilization. Environmental informatics Environmental informatics in context to Woolworths is utilized for providing proper information processing as well as communication infrastructure to various interdisciplinary fields (Trinka et al. 2015). According to the natural research council, environmental informatics is used as a research as well as system development that mainly focuses on various environmental sciences that is related to the creation, storage, processing, modeling, interpretation as well as dissemination of various data and information with the organization Woolworths. The organization mainly uses environmental informatics in order to manage various types of problems, which are associated with creation of various information, storage as well as processing of various data and information. Legal informatics Legal informatics in context to Woolworths is incorporated for achieving proper advancement in technology that have created some new models in order to deliver different types of legal services. Legal informatics generally assists in pertaining various applications of informatics with the legal environment, which includes law-related to Woolworths, as well as users of both information as well as information technologies within the organization (Ammenwerth and Rigby 2016). It is analyzed that legal informatics helps in reflecting proper theories as well as practices that are helpful in managing different type of information. It generally helps in covering both the information as well as legal theory. Art Informatics The concept of art informatics can be utilized in Woolworths in the coming future. It can be utilized within the various centers of Woolworths in order to deals with information that assists in creating art production experience as well as dissemination. It can also be helpful in providing technological knowledge about various theoretical as well as intrinsic parts, which assists in drawing on the base of various courses for establishing interdisciplinary related breadth with the centers of Woolworths. (Sin et al. 2015). It also helps in emphasizing various collaborative research as well as innovative interdisciplinary that generally aims at meeting different challenges that arises during creation of art in context to interdisciplinary, technological as well as collaborative enabled settings. Identify how the classic themes of informatics relate to various technologies within an organization. It is analyzed that there are number of features of informatics, which can be considered as classical themes of informatics. The various features of informatics include conferencing, scheduling, document sharing, personal messaging as well as link sharing. Informatics generally assists in processing different types of data in Woolworths for storing as well as retrieving them appropriately (Munasinghe 2014). It is identified that informatics is utilized in the organization Woolworths and the classic themes of informatics is associated with different technologies that are utilized in that specific organization. The technologies that are used in Woolworths include tracking system, advanced LinkedIn, seamless integration, network relationship management as well as Hr analytics and intelligence. It is analyzed that the classic theme of document sharing assists Woolworths to publish their documents on the website by utilizing simple web based system. The organizations utilize their technology by utilizing informatics in link sharing (Nkuipou et al. 2014). This helps Woolworths to share appropriate links on the internet and the links that are shared are mainly sorted as per the topic that is created. One of the main advantages is that Woolworths can utilize various technologies by integrating automatically with scheduling. This is possible only due to help that is provided by the informatics. Thus, it is analyzed that the organizational technologies are generally related with the classic themes of informatics. Demonstrate an awareness of how the identified technologies fit into the goalsof the organization It is analyzed that various types of technologies that are utilized within Woolworths with the help of informatics are very much important in meeting various goals as well as objectives. It is identified that the various technologies helps in providing proper guidance as well as direction, facilitates planning, assists in motivating as well as inspiring employees and also helps in evaluating the organizational goals as well as control performance (Nelson and Staggers 2017). The technologies are helpful in managing various functions as well as operations of the organization that reflects that the identified technologies plays a great role in achieving the goals as well as objectives of the organization (Munasinghe 2014). Various identified technology helps in improving communication, enhancing human capital increasing efficiency as well as mobility so that the business organization can successfully compete in the market. The advantages that are provided by the identified technology in directly help in achieving the objectives as well as goals of the organization (Magnuson and 2014). It is analyzed that the identified technologies also assists in inventory management, data management, of information system and also assists in managing customer relation which not only helps in achieving the goals as well as objectives of the organization but also helps in Conclusion It can be concluded that informatics plays a great role in processing various types of data by storing as well as retrieving it appropriately within Woolworths. It is analyzed that Informatics is one of the developing fields that utilize computing in order to solve various types of challenges, which are associated with privacy, security as well as healthcare. Informatics is utilized in the organizations and the classic themes of informatics are associated with different technologies that are utilized by Woolworths. References Ammenwerth, E. and Rigby, M. eds., 2016.Evidence-Based Health Informatics: Promoting Safety and Efficiency Through Scientific Methods and Ethical Policy(Vol. 222). IOS Press. Duschek, S., Werner, N.S. and Reyes del Paso, G.A., 2013. The behavioral impact of baroreflex function: a review.Psychophysiology,50(12), pp.1183-1193. Fritz, T., Huang, E.M., Murphy, G.C. and Zimmermann, T., 2014, April. Persuasive technology in the real world: a study of long-term use of activity sensing devices for fitness. InProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 487-496). ACM. Keating, S.B., 2014.Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing. Springer Publishing Company. Magnuson, J.A. and Fu, P.C., 2014.Public health informatics and information systems. London, UK: Springer. Masters, K. (2015).Role development in professional nursing practice. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Munasinghe, M. ed., 2014.Computers and informatics in developing countries. Butterworth-Heinemann. Nelson, R. and Staggers, N., 2017.Health informatics: An interprofessional approach. Elsevier Health Sciences. Nkuipou-Kenfack, E., Duranton, F., Gayrard, N., Argils, ., Lundin, U., Weinberger, K.M., Dakna, M., Delles, C., Mullen, W., Husi, H. and Klein, J., 2014. Assessment of metabolomic and proteomic biomarkers in detection and prognosis of progression of renal function in chronic kidney disease.PLoS One,9(5), p.e96955. Sin, T.K., Tam, B.T., Yung, B.Y., Yip, S.P., Chan, L.W., Wong, C.S., Ying, M., Rudd, J.A. and Siu, P.M., 2015. Resveratrol protects against doxorubicin?induced cardiotoxicity in aged hearts through the SIRT1?USP7 axis.The Journal of physiology,593(8), pp.1887-1899. Trinka, E., Cock, H., Hesdorffer, D., Rossetti, A.O., Scheffer, I.E., Shinnar, S., Shorvon, S. and Lowenstein, D.H., 2015. A definition and classification of status epilepticusReport of the ILAE Task Force on Classification of Status Epilepticus.Epilepsia,56(10), pp.1515-1523.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Research Paper on Talent Management Essay Example
Research Paper on Talent Management Essay Talent Management is the set of HR management tools that enable an organization to attract, effectively use and keep employees that make a significant contribution to the company development. The term talent management, which emerged in 1990, refers to the activities in the field of personnel management, aiming to involve employees in the innovation process, the formation of creative stimuli and the development of the creative potential of employees. David Watkins is considered as the author of the term, which he first used it in an article published in 1998, and further develop it in his book Talent Management Systems in 2004. However, the connection between the development of human resources and organizational effectiveness had been already recognized in 1970 ‘s. In the late 1990s, an international consulting firm McKinsey published a report entitled â€Å"The War for Talent†, which became the subject of discussion at corporate meetings. Directors of major companies, such as Procter Gamble, General Electric started thinking about how their companies are working with talents. In the late 1990s, the main tool to encourage employees were shares and options instead of cash. In many technologically advanced companies, such as Cisco Systems and Microsoft, as a result of such policy there were a great deal of employees millionaires, which started arguing about how company can keep financially independent young employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Talent Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Talent Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Talent Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer By the end of the 2000s there had been two concepts of talent management: a set of HR processes (recruitment, assessment, training, retention, etc.), to bring and to keep in the organization efficient employee, which would be able to support the company in prosperous state; in the terms of this concept there is no clear distinction between talented and non-talented employees, the main idea is to stimulate the stuff high efficiency. processes of managing special (talented) people, whom, by definition, there cannot be enough; in the terms of this interpretation there is clear distinction between the talented employees and others, for the talented there exists a special technology of management and development. As we can see from these particular programs – the management of gifted and potentially important employees, as well as newcomers adaptation – Talent Management has evolved into a comprehensive approach, for which there are increasing interest from the side of various companies. It is very important to thoroughly investigate the history and evolving of the talent management before try to present your ideas on the subject. For your research proposals on the subject to be interesting and persuasive, you may want to look through free example research paper topics on Talent Management. They can be helpful not only for beginners, but also for experienced writers. They can present you last trends in scientific text writing and give you new ideas for your research projects. Are you looking for a top-notch custom written research paper on Talent Management topics? Is confidentiality as important to you as the high quality of the product? Try our writing service at EssayLib.com! We can offer you professional assistance at affordable rates. Our experienced PhD and Master’s writers are ready to take into account your smallest demands. We guarantee you 100% authenticity of your paper and assure you of dead on time delivery. Proceed with the order form: Please, feel free to visit us at EssayLib.com and learn more about our service!
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